
Escabeche Roasted Mushrooms & Tomato Melon Salad

Recipe by Adrian Villarreal


Roasted mushrooms:

5 lbs                       mushrooms, mild and meaty (button, oyster or hen of the woods are ideal)
½ cup                    olive oil (or as needed)
¼ cup                    garlic sliced
1 cup                     onions diced
½ cup                    guajillo peppers, or other smoky non spicy dry chili pepper
1  bunch               cilantro
2 ea                        lime, juiced
TT                           salt
As needed          tortillas

Squash escabeche:

4 cups                   crookneck, zucchini or other summer squash, sliced
2 cups                   escabeche base
As needed          salt



3 cups                 melon, sliced
3 cups                 tomato (heirloom or slicer), chunks of
3 cups                cucumber, thick sliced
1 1/2 cups            salty crumbly cheese
TT                       fresh herbs (mix of chives, parsley, basil or as available) 
As needed          salt & fresh cracked black pepper


     Salt, squash, let rest.  10 minutes later pat dry and mix with as much escabeche as needed.  Reserve. Blend some escabeche to a dressing consistency.

    With mushrooms prepped. Add oil to a large, heavy sauté pan and place on high heat. Once oil is shimmering add mushroom without overcrowding pan. Season to taste.  Keep on high heat and sauté until mushrooms lose their water and start to golden in color. Add onion and garlic, peppers. Cook until mushroom deepen in color and onions garlic start to caramelize, finish with cilantro and lime.

     Dress salad with blended escabeche and fresh herbs.

    Serve the mushrooms on a tortilla or tostada as desires with squash on top, and salad on the side.

Escabeche base:

2 cups EVOO
1 cup carrots, dice
1 cup bell peppers, diced
2 cups Onions, sliced quarter moons
10 ea garlic cloves, sliced

1 bunch parsley
5 ea star anise
5 ea cloves
1 TBS coriander seeds
1 TBS whole peppercorn

1 1/2 cups vinegar, white
1/2 cup lemon juice, fresh
1/2 cup lime juice, fresh
1/2 cup orange juice, fresh
2 TBS salt


Mix A & add B in preferably wrapped in cheese cloth with twine. Bring to a “boil” on stove while stirring, till veggies get tender. Pull off stove, add C.  Reserve